Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Hello, Zelda!

Osprey Cove Members; meet Zelda, our alligator. She lives in the pond on Hole 14.While Zelda appears to be a friendly reptile, we wanted to take a minute not only to introduce you, but also to remind you of some basics.

We live in Georgia; where we share the land with animals, reptiles, amphibians, and all other sorts of wildlife. This includes wild hogs, snakes, alligators, etc. We ask you to use your best judgment when looking for your golf balls, whether it is in bushes or near a pond and also remain alert while biking, walking, and fishing.

As a general rule, alligators nor snakes will bother you if you don't bother them. If you should encounter either, it is suggested you keep your distance and do not try to provoke them. Please do not attempt to touch them, catch them, or feed them.

Should an alligator become a problem and you feel threatened, please notify Kristy in the HOA office. Alligators are not removed from Osprey Cove unless they become a threat to the safety and well-being of the community.

Thursday, April 18, 2013


Welcome to the official blog of The Club at Osprey Cove. It is our goal to use this as a tool to effectively communicate with you, our members. While we will continue to send weekly emails, detailed information and reviews of events will be available here.

The entire management team will contribute to this blog. You can expect to hear from Bill Shaffer, the Executive Chef, on the first Tuesday of every month with an update in regards to Food & Beverage; Don Yrene will provide you with the latest happenings as they relate to golf on the second Tuesday of every month; Golf course maintenance and landscaping tips will be posted by Ashley Byrd, and every once in awhile you can expect an update from General Manager, Adam Stuck. On a daily basis, the Sales & Marketing Director, Heidi Howell will provide you with a variety of content that ranges from Club happenings to humorous YouTube clips to current events. We hope that you will enjoy our new blog! Please feel free to comment on our posts.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

A Golf Update from Don

It has been a very busy beginning to the new year.  We had a WGA Quarterly, a month long women's and men's match play, the Sweetheart scramble, Men's member-member, WGA Osprey Cup, and many other events at the club.  

In April, we have the masters at Osprey Cove on the 12th & 13th, MGA East vs. West on April 20th & 21st, and the Ladies' Member-Member on the 27th & 28th.  We have had all kinds of weather conditions thus far, and I am really looking forward to some warmer Coastal Georgia temperatures!

 The course is looking great and the new G-Angle sand in all the bunkers is performing quite nicely.

 If you are looking for game improvement, feel free to schedule an instruction session or sessions.  I am usually available in the afternoons. Please call the Golf Shop at 882.5575.

My family of five and I are adjusting to life in the Southeast instead of natives and long time residents of the Southwest.  I have to remind myself to order non-sweet tea when I want to drink regular iced-tea!